Results for 'Severo-Kavkazskii Nauchnyi Tsentr Vysshei Shkoly'

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  1.  63
    Digital hermeneutics: from interpreting with machines to interpretational machines.Alberto Romele, Marta Severo & Paolo Furia - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):73-86.
    Today, there is an emerging interest for the potential role of hermeneutics in reflecting on the practices related to digital technologies and their consequences. Nonetheless, such an interest has neither given rise to a unitary approach nor to a shared debate. The primary goal of this paper is to map and synthetize the different existing perspectives to pave the way for an open discussion on the topic. The article is developed in two steps. In the first section, the authors analyze (...)
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    Convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y la ecología de saberes.Rodrigo Severo Arce Rojas - 2020 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 29:69-91.
    El presente artículo de revisión analiza las convergencias y diferencias entre el pensamiento complejo y laecología de saberes con el propósito de explorar posibilidades de complementación y sinergias en el marco de una epistemología crítica. Para tal efecto se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica apoyada por los métodos deductivo y hermenéutico. Para la caracterización del pensamiento complejo se ha revisado la obra de Edgar Morin y otros autores como Boaventura de Sousa Santos. De la revisión se concluye que tanto el (...)
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  3. “Plausible insofar as it is intelligible”: Quine on underdetermination.Rogério Passos Severo - 2008 - Synthese 161 (1):141-165.
    Quine’s thesis of underdetermination is significantly weaker than it has been taken to be in the recent literature, for the following reasons: (i) it does not hold for all theories, but only for some global theories, (ii) it does not require the existence of empirically equivalent yet logically incompatible theories, (iii) it does not rule out the possibility that all perceived rivalry between empirically equivalent theories might be merely apparent and eliminable through translation, (iv) it is not a fundamental thesis (...)
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  4.  34
    La relación entre latitudinarismo, escepticismo, tolerancia y protestantismo en la obra de John Locke.Joan Severo Chumbita - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (1).
    RESUMEN:Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la articulación entre la afirmación del carácter racional de la fe, esto es, su dimensión latitudinaria, el escepticismo epistemológico, y su derivación práctica en un concepto de tolerancia restringido al interior del protestantismo. Se subrayará, en este sentido, el carácter estratégico de la articulación entre racionalidad de la fe y escepticismo, en cuanto permite apelar a la ignorancia con vistas a la tolerancia, sin por ello dejar de sostener la interpretación protestante del cristianismo, en (...)
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  5. Three remarks on the interpretation of Kant on incongruent counterparts.Rogério Passos Severo - 2005 - Kantian Review 9:30-57.
    Kant’s treatments of incongruent counterparts have been criticized in the recent literature. His 1768 essay has been charged with an ambiguous use of the notion of ‘inner ground’, and his 1770 claim that those differences cannot be apprehended conceptually is thought to be false. The author argues that those two charges rest on an uncharitable reading. ‘Inner ground’ is equivocal only if misread as mapping onto Leibniz notion of quality. Concepts suffice to distinguish counterparts, but are insufficient to specify their (...)
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  6.  50
    La ley de la Naturaleza como universal abstracto. Un estudio los principios morales de John Locke a la luz de su crítica a la idea de sustancia.Joan Severo Chumbita - 2015 - Endoxa 36:99.
  7.  35
    Apropiación privada de la tierra y derechos políticos en la obra de John Locke.Joan Severo Chumbita - 2014 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 7:193-210.
    In order to consider the influence of tangible property on the exercise of political rights in the work of John Locke, we’ll analyze, first, the distribution and acreage measurement of the requirements for political participation and the exercise of public functions in The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina ; secondly, the considerations on land ownership, as a means of production, and the wage labor in Chapter V of Two Treatises of Government , II; finally, we’ll analyze the patrimonial restrictions for the (...)
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  8. The intelligibility objection against underdetermination.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 16 (1):121-146.
    One of the objections against the thesis of underdetermination of theories by observations is that it is unintelligible. Any two empirically equivalent theories — so the argument goes—are in principle intertranslatable, hence cannot count as rivals in any non-trivial sense. Against that objection, this paper shows that empirically equivalent theories may contain theoretical sentences that are not intertranslatable. Examples are drawn from a related discussion about incommensurability that shows that theoretical non-intertranslatability is possible.
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    The Economy of the Digital Gift: From Socialism to Sociality Online.Alberto Romele & Marta Severo - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (5):43-63.
    This article discusses the value of gift exchange in online social media. In the first part, the authors show how most of the commentators have considered online gifting as an alternative to the classical market economy. Yet the recent (re)territorialization of the web challenges this perspective. As a consequence, the internet can no longer be considered a reply to capitalism. In the second part, the authors argue that in anthropology and social philosophy the term ‘gift’ has often been used improperly, (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Heráclito e heraclitismo no crátilo de platão.Luisa Severo Buarque - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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  11.  40
    Límites y licencias a la apropiación privada en el estado de naturaleza según John Locke.Joan Severo Chumbita - 2019 - Isegoría 60:303-324.
    Este trabajo estudia críticamente seis posibles límites a la apropiación privada, individual, unilateral y desigual en el estado de naturaleza descripto por John Locke. I) la restricción expresada bajo la forma de dejar suficiente y tan bueno en común para otros; II) la prohibición del desperdicio de los frutos perecederos; III) asociada a esta segunda condición pero aplicada a la tierra, la prohibición de cercar tierra cuyos frutos se desperdicie; IV) la limitación propuesta por Macpherson, según la cual es una (...)
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  12.  22
    A Puzzle About Incongruent Counterparts and the Critique of Pure Reason.Rogériopassos Severo - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4):507-521.
    Kant uses incongruent counterparts in his work before and after 1781, but not in the first Critique. Given the relevance that incongruent counterparts had for his thought on space, and their persistence in his work during the 1780s, it is plausible to think that he had a reason for leaving them out of both editions of the Critique. Two implausible conjectures for their absence are here considered and rejected. A more plausible alternative is put forth, which explains that textual absence (...)
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  13. Relativismo e Absolutismo.Guilherme Gräf Schüler & Rogério Passos Severo - 2020 - Cognitio-Estudos 17 (2):293-296.
  14.  8
    Deus: Não É o Que Você Pensa.Rogério Passos Severo & Mariana Garcia Vasconcellos - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (159):e-41949.
    ABSTRACT The sacred writings of a wide variety of religious traditions and the reports of saints and mystics of those same traditions present the spiritual domain in a paradoxical and mysterious manner, often incomprehensible. Those writings contrast starkly with the philosophical and theological discourse on those matters, which sought to describe clearly and precisely what is said ambiguously, metaphorically and indirectly in them. This paper advances an argument originally put forth by William James, according to which religious beliefs are grounded (...)
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  15. A puzzle about incongruent counterparts and the critique of pure reason.Rogério Passos Severo - 2007 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4):507–521.
    Kant uses incongruent counterparts in his work before and after 1781, but not in the first Critique. Given the relevance that incongruent counterparts had for his thought on space, and their persistence in his work during the 1780s, it is plausible to think that he had a reason for leaving them out of both editions of the Critique. Two implausible conjectures for their absence are here considered and rejected. A more plausible alternative is put forth, which explains that textual absence (...)
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  16.  69
    Quine's argument “from above”.Rogério P. Severo & Guilherme Gräf Schüler - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):601-607.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 601-607, June 2022.
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  17.  6
    Confirmation Holism and Underdetermination in Quine’s Thought.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
    Quine is frequently acknowledged as one of the main proponents of both confirmation holism and underdetermination. In the recent literature, however, his views have been often criticized and misrepresented: the distinction between the two theses has been often blurred, the obviousness of holism has been rejected, and the plausibility of underdetermination has come under attack. This paper attempts to formulate both theses as clearly as possible and to defend Quine’s views against some recurrent criticisms. In particular, it is argued that (...)
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  18.  19
    From Philosopher to Network. Using Digital Traces for Understanding Paul Ricoeur's Legacy.Alberto Romele & Marta Severo - unknown
    What is the difference between a researcher in philosophy and a philosopher? There are two kinds of answer that we can give to this question. We can say that the difference lies in a sort of internal quality; or, as the authors of this paper do, we can argue that a philosopher would not be a philosopher without the intervention of an ensemble of social actors such as universities, departments, funding, colleagues, editors, journals, media, and so on. In the first (...)
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  19. Svoboda, ravenstvo, prava cheloveka.L. I. Bogoraz, A. ëiìu Daniçel§, Pravozashchitnyæi Tsentr "Memorial" & Prosvetitel§Skaëiìa Gruppa Po Pravam Cheloveka (eds.) - 1997 - Moskva: Pravozashchitnyĭ t︠s︡entr "Memorial".
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  20.  43
    O processo de planejamento para o desenvolvimento regional e suas interfaces com a consulta popular no corede Alto Jacuí: uma reflexão para o período de 2009 a 2012.José Carlos Severo Corrêa - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (2):110.
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  21.  15
    As promessas da retórica gorgiana: Pleonexia e medo no Górgias de Platão.Luísa Severo Buarque de Hollanda - 2018 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (27).
    De todas as denúncias contra a retórica de estirpe gorgiana que são feitas por Sócrates no Górgias, de Platão, talvez a mais importante seja a revelação de que ela favorece o crescimento indefinido dos apetites e a pleonexia, ou seja, o desejo de ‘ter mais’, ou, simplesmente, a ganância. A promessa de poder sugerida pela personagem Górgias e defendida por seu aluno Polo no começo do diálogo parece conduzir-nos diretamente ao coração da pleonexia calicleana que coroa a obra. Neste artigo, (...)
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  22. Kant, Kuhn e a racionalidade da ciência.Michael Friedman & Tradutor: Rogério Passos Severo - 2009 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 14 (1):175-209.
    This paper considers the evolution of the problem of scientific rationality from Kant through Carnap to Kuhn. I argue for a relativized and historicized version of the original Kantian conception of scientific a priori principles and examine the way in which these principles change and develop across revolutionary paradigm shifts. The distinctively philosophical enterprise of reflecting upon and contextualizing such principles is then seen to play a key role in making possible rational intersubjective communication between otherwise incommensurable paradigms.
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  23. Kant, Kuhn e a racionalidade da ciência.Michael Friedman & Rogerio Severo - 2009 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 14 (1):175-209.
    Este artigo considera a evolução do problema da racionalidade científica desde Kant, passando por Carnap, até Kuhn. Argumento em favor de uma versão relativizada e historicizada da concepção original kantiana dos princípios científicos a priori, e examino o modo pelo qual esses princípios mudam e se desenvolvem através de mudanças revolucionárias de paradigmas. O empreendimento distintivamente filosófico de refletir sobre e contextualizar tais princípios é então visto como desempenhando um papel chave ao tornar possível a comunicação intersubjetiva racional entre paradigmas (...)
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  24.  5
    El poder público: estados y administraciones públicas.Massimo Severo Giannini - 1991 - Madrid, España: Civitas.
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  25. Mi Dialnet.Massimo Severo Giannini, C. Lupi, M. A. Raschini, G. Zanoletti, P. Monitinaro & G. De Santi - 1974 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (5-6).
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  26. Los pueblos y su conciencia moral.Severo Gutiérrez del Castillo - 1936 - Buenos Aires,: Bernabé y cía..
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  27. Crítica y alienación.Severo Iglesias - 1985 - [Morelia, Mexico]: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo.
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    Estética, o, Teoría de la sensibilidad.Severo Iglesias - 1994 - Morelia, Michoacán: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Secretaría de Difusión Cultural, Editorial Universitaria.
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    Jean Piaget: epistemología matemática y psicología.Severo Iglesias - 1972 - Monterrey ;: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon.
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  30. Opción a la crítica.Severo Iglesias - 1975 - Morelia: Editorial Universitaria.
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    Principios del metodo científico.Severo Iglesias - 1976 - México: Verum Factum Editores.
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  32. Iskusstvo v sisteme kulʹtury.M. S. Kagan & Nauchnyi Sovet Po Istorii Mirovoi Kul Tury Sssr) (eds.) - 1987 - Leningrad: Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie.
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  33. Khudozhestvennyĭ i︠a︡zyk srednevekovʹi︠a︡.V. A. Karpushin & Nauchnyi Sovet Po Istorii Mirovoi Kul Tury Sssr) (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    A problemática jurídica: uma introdução transdisciplinar.Leonel Severo Rocha - 1985 - Porto Alegre: S.A. Fabris Editor.
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  35. Direito da sociedade policontextural.Leonel Severo Rocha, Vicente de Paulo Barretto, Francisco Carlos Duarte & Germano Schwartz (eds.) - 2013 - Curitiba-PR: Editora Appris.
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    Epistemologia jurídica e democracia.Leonel Severo Rocha - 1998 - São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil: Editora UNISINOS.
    Política e saber são duas questões que se entrelaçam nesta obra que trata sobre as distintas manifestações do discurso do direito na sociedade contemporânea.
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    Os Limites Regulamentadores da Propaganda Eleitoral No Âmbito Das Redes Sociais a Partir da Teoria Dos Sistemas Autopoiéticos.Leonel Severo Rocha, Eduardo Hoffmann & Lucas Paulo Orlando de Oliveira - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):155-172.
    Diante do contexto complexo da globalização, a formatação dogmática jurídica da modernidade, que legitimava o Estado-nação como detentor do monopólio de produção regulatória, já mais corresponde à necessidade de estruturação das relações sociais. Tem-se na Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais Autopoiéticos uma forma de compreensão da atual realidade contingente e complexa, que pode servir de balizamento para as relações entre o direito e as redes sociais, especialmente no âmbito da propaganda eleitoral nas redes sociais, como o Facebook e o Twitter.
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    Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade.Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto (eds.) - 2010 - Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
    O livro visa apresentar o tema sob inovadoras formas - linguagem (textos científicos, literários, filosóficos e depoimentos), identidade visual (diálogo com as artes visuais), e a participação de renomados estudiosos em direitos humanos do Brasil e do exterior com formação em antropologia, direito, educação, filosofia, história, serviço social e sociologia. Os temas que constituem o livro são - sistema prisional no Brasil, exploração sexual de adolescentes, maternidade e prisão, Sistema Único de Saúde, direitos da criança e do adolescente, tráfico de (...)
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  39. Sistema prisional no Brasil : algumas reflexões à luz dos direitos humanos.Adriana Severo Rodrigues - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto, Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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    How effective are depictions of AI? Reflections from an experimental study in science communication.Alberto Romele & Marta Severo - forthcoming - AI and Society.
  41. Ideologiia I Kul Tura Drevnego Kitaia Chetyre Silueta.Vitalii Rubin & Nauchnyi Sovet Po Istorii Mirovoi Kul Tury Sssr) - 1970 - ["Nauka"].
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    Interview: Severo Sarduy.Severo Sarduy, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria & Jane E. French - 1972 - Diacritics 2 (2):41.
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    Nueva inestabilidad.Severo Sarduy - 1987 - México: Vuelta.
  44. Não basta não ser racista.Daniela Severo de Souza Scheifler - forthcoming - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte:185-197.
    Pessoas brancas têm bastante dificuldade de discutir questões de raça. Quando inquiridas, negam, silenciam, sentem raiva, medo ou culpa. Robin DiAngelo, em Não basta não ser racista, sejamos antirracistas, mostra como a discussão a respeito do racismo faz emergir o que ela intituou de White fragility, que é o título do livro em inglês. Após duas décadas de pesquisas, palestras e ensino, ela mostra como essa fragilidade sustenta a ideia de uma superioridade branca, chamada de "supremacia branca".
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    Naturalismo ou viver com os próprios recursos.Guilherme Gräf Schüler & Rogério Passos Severo - 2021 - Cognitio 21 (2):350-361.
    O naturalismo sustenta que não há acesso mais elevado à verdade do que por meio de hipóteses empiricamente testáveis. No entanto, não repudia hipóteses intestáveis. Elas preenchem os interstícios de teorias e conduzem a novas hipóteses que são testáveis.Uma hipótese é testada deduzindo-se, dela e da base [background] de uma teoria aceita, algum categórico observacional que não se segue da base apenas. Esse categórico, um enunciado condicional generalizado composto de duas frases observacionais, admite, por sua vez, um teste experimental primitivo.As (...)
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    Quatro teses de subdeterminação de teorias pelas observações: significados, plausibilidades e implicações.Guilherme Gräf Schüler & Rogério P. Severo - 2020 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 24 (2).
    Este artigo mostra que não há uma tese de subdeterminação de teorias científicas pelos indícios observacionais, mas várias. Identificamos quatro, com significados, plausibilidades e implicações distintos. Mostra-se que as mais fortes não passam de conjeturas, e que as mais fracas são mais plausíveis, mas não possuem implicações filosóficas robustas – em particular, não implicam o antirrealismo científico –, embora forneçam indícios de alternativas teóricas sistematicamente ignoradas na ciência, bem como do emprego de critérios em parte valorativos de escolha de teorias.
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  47. A Note on Essential Indexicals of Direction.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):10-15.
    Some authors claim that ‘I’ and ‘now’ are essential indexicals, in the sense that they cannot be eliminated in favor of other indexicals or nonindexical expressions. This article argues that three indexicals of direction—one for each spatial dimension (e.g., ‘up’, ‘front’, and ‘left’)—must also be regarded essential, insofar as they are used as pure indexicals and not as demonstratives.
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  48.  27
    (1 other version)Are there empirical cases of indeterminacy of translation?Rogério Passos Severo - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 89 (1):135-152.
    Quine's writings on indeterminacy of translation are mostly abstract and theoretical; his reasons for the thesis are not based on historical cases of translation but on general considerations about how language works. So it is no surprise that a common objection to the thesis asserts that it is not backed up by any positive empirical evidence. Ian Hacking (1981 and 2002) claims that whatever credibility the thesis does enjoy comes rather from alleged (fictitious) cases of radical mistranslation. This paper responds (...)
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  49.  52
    Holismo confirmacional e subdeterminação no pensamento de Quine.Rogério Passos Severo - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
    Quine is frequently acknowledged as one of the main proponents of both confi rmation holism and underdetermination. In the recent literature, however, his views have been often criticized and misrepresented: the distinction between the two theses has been often blurred, the obviousness of holism has been rejected, and the plausibility of underdetermination has come under attack. This paper attempts to formulate both theses as clearly as possible and to defend Quine’s views against some recurrent criticisms. In particular, it is argued (...)
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  50. Criatividade transegressora : uma proposição transdisciplinar para pensar a pesquisa e o ensino.Thiago Emmanuel Araújo Severo - 2013 - In Maria da Conceição de Almeida Moura & Alex Galeno, Ensaios de complexidade 3. Natal: EDUFRN, Editora da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
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